Random Act of Kindness

This afternoon I had a wonderful phone call from a retired local doctor. He’s recently had a surprise pot of geraniums delivered to his house from 2nd Bengeo Brownies!

Wanting to say thank you, he searched and found my name on Google, but of course I’m no longer the Leader and it is the new team and the Brownies who deserve the thanks; not me.

Nevertheless once we sorted out the confusion as to whom had delivered his flowers, he told me how happy he was to have received them, He was most bemused and touched by this random act of kindness, particularly as his wife passed away earlier this year.

The girls really succeeded in cheering him up and I’ve been beaming to myself all evening, just thinking about it too. What a lovely thing to have done!

It’s been a very relaxing and happy weekend. We managed to tick off a few gardening jobs as well as entertain my parents and still had time for a couple of hours chillaxing this afternoon. The sunshine definitely helped.

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