
By lilbigadventure

Sunday Low Tide Funday

We got out to the beach this morning and had the best time. It was super low tide, so we played in the tide pools and everyone had a blast. I switched things up and used my long lens.
I’ve been in a bit of a creative rut lately. I know a lot of it has to do with health issues. It’s hard to think when you’re in pain. I got news from my doctor that I have sludge in my gallbladder, but not enough to warrant surgery. I was down for a few days about this, then regrouped and refocused. I’ve started a gallbladder diet and have not had an attack in three days. I’m also going to start doing some homeopathic remedies to get the sludge out. I felt more focused and energized today.
It’s taking a lot of discipline and effort to stay on this diet, but anything is worth it to be out there living life with my family and friends. I can’t wait to start a full work week tomorrow and I’m excited for what the new week will bring.

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