Bryan Benitez

By BryanBenitez


Today was "halloween" or maybe not because it was cancelled. In the afternoon my friends and I went to our school (that was being used as a shelter) to give candy to the kids without homes. They were really happy, as well as the adults. It felt really nice.
Then we really needed gas, we were bellow the empty line. Five gas stations without power. We found one and filled up. We also found out that there would be a gas shortage for two weeks. Meaning there will be no gas tanks coming in to long island.
By the time we started trick or treating it was dark, which is what we wanted. After maybe 3 or 4 houses, we noticed nobody was outside. A lady who's house we trick or treated at told us that they had cancelled and rescheduled halloween, and anyone seen trick or treating after dark would get arrested. So we went home.

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