
By Paladian

Red Cascade

It's been a weird old day today. Gale force winds this morning, so strong in fact I came back inside in case the wind blew down tree branches.

Right now, the sky is as black as evening, the thunder is constantly grumbling, and we are in for a doozy of a storm. I can usually tell because the air pressure drops and I almost always get a headache.

So, although I saw some really interesting stuff in the garden - 3 butterflies (2 proper ones and a cabbage white) plus a dragon, plus myriad skinks and bees, it was far too windy to hang around and wait for anything decent.

So, here we have a delightful miniature rose, called Red Cascade, which I grow in the pot just outside my office window. I hadn't actually noticed it until today, when I realised that it has put on quite a show.

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