BBC 10

After a brief hiatus, we Blackheath Blippers have resumed challenging one another. Gemax declared that THIS week's challenge should be the local Blackheath Fire Station. So here goes.

Now fire is a big deal in the Blue Mountains. Come summer and the bush fires, protection of property from firey destruction becomes a high priority. Inside this aesthetically awful 1960's style building stand two gleaming fire engines - just about the most up-to-date and best equipped appliances available. The building (on the other hand) looks pretty sad. Hence the challenge.

Faced with a task like this I call for my trusty Sigma 10-20mm wide angle zoom - here attached to one of my D80 bodies. Then one must get in close to something shiny like this garage door security lock, distort everything to hell and shoot!!

Now to find out what the OTHERS have done.
Trisharooni's Blip
Gemax's Blip

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