
One of the great benefits of long-term Blipping is that when we post new photos of people we’ve blipped before, we get to see what stays the same about them and what changes.

Three years ago I blipped my friend (and occasional Blipper) LaurieT in her garden, harvesting blueberries. Today is Laurie’s day off, and I had a free day with no political work or child care, so we met for lunch and a good talk, with a few moments in her garden, where the strawberries are sweet and the poppies are taller than she is! (She was standing among them for this photo.) She has so many demands on her time now that she isn’t tending her garden any more. She found a packet of poppy seeds and tossed them on the ground, and this is what happened. 

I’m still decompressing from the intensity of Sunday’s rallies, horrified by the way our news media normalize the clash of fascists against antifascists as if the two groups were merely sports teams with "good people on both sides," as our President says. Despite my worry about the meaning of the news coverage, one of the joys of Sunday was the first political rally for the newborn baby of local activists Greg McKelvey and Kathryn Stevens. I’m posting Extras of each parent with baby Stokely--named for Civil Rights activist Stokely Carmichael, later Kwame Ture.

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