Saets Caersalem

Rydw i wedi dysgu llawer am blanhigion ers i mi dechrau tynnu llun bob dydd.  Rydw i'n wastad yn moyn ffeintio eu henwau, yn aml heb lwyddiant. Does dim ots, rydw i'n dal yn gallu gwerthfawrogi nhw heb enwau. Ond roeddwn i'n gallu ffeindio enw'r planhigyn hwn trwy 'Plantnet'.  Felly rydw i'n gwybod nawr mae'n Saets Caersalem neu Phlomis Fruticosa.

Es i i gyfarfod gwleidyddol neithiwr am yr amser cyntaf erioed.  Roedd Leanne Wood o Blaid Cymru yn ymweld â'r Eglwys Newydd, felly roedden i'n meddwl y baswn i'n mynd i glywed beth mae hi'n moyn dweud.  Roedd y cyfarfod yn ddiddorol, ac roeddwn i'n meddwl ei bod hi'n ateb cwestiynau yn dda iawn.

Felly rydw i'n gwybod tipyn bach mwy am flodau a gwleidyddiau heddiw na ddoe.


I've learned a lot about plants since I started to take a picture every day. I always want to find their names, often without success. No matter, I'm still able to appreciate them without names. But I was able to find the name of this plant through 'Plantnet'. So I know now it's Jerusalem Sage or Phlomis Fruticosa.

I went to a political meeting last night for the first time ever. Plaid Cymru's Leanne Wood visited Whitchurch, so I thought I would go to  hear what she wanted to say. The meeting was interesting, and I thought she answered questions very well.

So I know a little more about flowers and politics today than yesterday.

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