
By YvonneBeale154

Ground of Dolly's fleece complete

Laying all those ground threads took a fair bit of wool, almost two hanks! To get full coverage required one embroidery between every thread of the linen. I need to do the same for the four clones but in miniature but Dolly needs couching first. Dolly is looking lovely and white now though (although I'll add a bit of extra colour later). Now I'm just deciding whether to do traditional Bayeux style couching or use the couching as part of a next level of detail. I've wondered whether to use them as contour lines or even to use them to lay down a DNA molecule design in the wool. It has to be possible to scale it down for the clones whatever I do. I was so inspired by the huge crocheted Olympic lions and I could use couching to make contours along a similar vein *see what I did there* but I could use straight lines in different ways. There's a point where the DNA molecule in embroidery doesn't scale down so I'm thinking about that. The panel is designed to be viewed from a distance so the detail has to be visible at that scale, no point in doing tiny twiddly things that nobody will see unless they have their nose pressed up against it. I'm testing things out on the spare linen today. Good thing about couching, I can set the threads out in different ways just to see how it looks first.

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