Eye-full of colour

It's been a really good day - lots of people...
The main event for me was this team coming over from San An...they're here volunteering for 2 weeks...helping out on the streets with the night time assistance and getting involved in all sorts. Each team comes and has time with us in Ibiza Town. Today was that day! Good to pray with them and get to know them a bit...and see our area through their eyes. Mountainbrew I've added an extra of L for you!

Funny point of the day;
Researching if we need to go to Palma to sort out Nate and Asha becoming French...and discovering the embassy is on our road...next door to us!!! How have we missed that?!!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Seeing Elia from Sa Penya this morning.
2) Mountainbrew's wonderful generosity and thoughtfulness!
3) This team of enthusiastic people.

An extra 'grateful'...Asha declaring she was ridiculously happy but didn't know why! Ha!

Extra extra 'grateful'...tea out with Danny and the kids.

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