
By adyclick


"2012 is a big year for York who are celebrating York 800, the anniversary of the City's Charter which gave it independence to take charge of its own financial affairs, to trade freely and ultimately govern itself." (passage taken from York 800 information web site)
And as part of this festival, I went to the Museum Gardens to view an Illuminating spectacle. The whole gardens were lit in different ways, from very large icicle dripping lights to butterfly wings which lit behind you as you powered a cycle generating it's own electricity, the museum it's self had vic reeves on one side describing his paintings which were on the opposing end of the building, and they moved to some very dramatic music, and St. Mary's Abbey had a differing back ground colour with all the arches lit in psychedelic over views of children dancing.
To one side of this was a tent in which members of the public took it in turn to dance against a blank screen, and they were portayed onto the three central arches.
If it's on again next year I would strongly advise a visit if you live near enough.
However, my favourite shot of the evening is of the minster again.

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