
By Transitoire

Playing Nurse, Autumn, Wonderful People

Spent the morning playing nurse to Andy...whose illness has now completely overtaken him poor love. Was originally going to take the bus onto campus with Andy, but there was no way he was leaving the bed, so I let him be and went in to see Claire again, but this time for lunch. Although we did catch up only a few days ago, well, there are always things to talk about! Was also nice to see her boyfriend Ste, as I haven't seen him since the end of second year and everyone always got on so well. Like Andy, Ste is doing Movember...although I think he's raised more money so far...come on Andy, get on it!

After seeing Claire I went on a little photography walk around campus, the colours are so gorgeous at this time of year. Warwick campus really is a lovely place to live, as there are so many green spaces around, more than any other campus I've seen. Sometimes it's just nice to see all the nature around you, especially in the Autumn! Anyway, I was waiting for the rather stunning Jade (pictured!) to finish her singing lesson so we could have our long overdue catch-up. In second year, Jade lived literally across the road from me, and we worked out we would have always have met each other even without this qualifier...I have sang with her, organised a BBQ and a Ball with her, gone on nights out with her, shared friends I didn't even know we both had, and had lectures with her for two years. Destined to be friends! Was also absolutely awesome to be joined by Paul, another person who I think I would have always ended up being friends of those perpetually happy guys, and one of the nicest people I know. I am so lucky to know people such as these.

Lazy evening in tonight so Andy will hopefully feel better for tomorrow! And to be completely honest, so the dreaded illness won't take over me more than it has already...

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