Guarding Grandad's Garden

also known as the calm before the storm...

should've known when I could already smell bonfire (which on a normal day I love by the way) that the locals would be letting off more fireworks tonight.

& OK, I don't agree at all with the private sale of them but it is the 5th of November so at least it's the right night for them if they must. But, they started letting them off really early not giving Stella time to eat her (medicated) dinner even though I did it as soon as I got in from work.

So, I now have a very grumpy girl feeling like we' ve undone all the good work of the last few days when I managed to keep her relatively calm. She turned her bed upside down and needed a shirt to help her feel better and be less shakey and upset.

Hopefully as they started early they'll finish early too!

I think tomorrow I'll take her dinner to give her before I leave work as no doubt the silliness will continue all week as the main display isn't until Saturday.

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