Flashing in Front of your Eyes...

I can count the amount of times on one hand where I've seriously seen my predicament slowly unfold toward a grizzley end. Three times to be exact but only one of those ended up in injury.

The first was in Livingston Skatepark bowl where I went up the deep end on my skateboard and somehow got thrown in toward the middle away from the deck I intended on heading onto. I somehow managed to manouevre my body round in the air to land on my feet somehow but for a couple of mocroseconds up in the air, I seriously saw myself heading to hurt myself.

The second, I wasn't so lucky. The carpark at the Loch Long hotel in Arrochar where I worked has a wall that is 2 foot high on one side but about an 8 foot drop on the other. We were playing football in the car park and the ball inevitably ended up bouncing down the 8 foot wall. I aimed to hop onto the top of the wall with intention of just jumping down to the pavement below. I tripped on the wall and fell head first toward the ground. That same feeling came of 'Oh shit!!!' I did get a rather sizable gash up my shin that I retain remenants of today but I did manage to again to angle myself away from serious head injury.

Today I gained my third, what might be referred to as a near death experience. Ironically, it was a day when I forgot my helmet and had gotten far enough when I realized that it sort of wasn't worth going back. I was heading down the pavement toward the A90 just before Crammond Brig and went to hop off the pavement onto the road to continue the journey. The leaves of the pavement were slidey and the wheels just came away from me. I literally felt my whole self and bike (clipped in feet made the terror all the more real) go sideways. Luckily, the grip of the road coupled with momentum and speed brought the bike back underneath me but it gave me a big fright. Would only have been me involved but could have been very bad and took me another 2 or 3 miles to get myself back to rights.

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