
So things went from bad to worse yesterday. 40 minutes before the 21:30 flight, the airline text me to say that the flight was cancelled and my next flight was at 8:00! Quite a shock. It took a while to find an information desk that was open, and because of the number of people in the same situation, it took over an hour before I could be seen. The airline gave me a hotel for the night and vouchers for a taxi to and from the hotel. By the time I got to bed it was after 23:00, I set my alarm for 4:30 as the taxi was coming at 5:15. so a short night's sleep, but the good news was I was on the 8:00 flight. After a 90 minute drive I got to Lymington. I had obviously missed the ferry that I had originally booked, but explained the situation to the ferry office, but the only ferry they could book me on was the 18:00! It was 11:10 when I got to the ferry, so almost 7 hours to wait! They said I could wait and see if a space became available. I had little choice. I got back to my car and broke down in frustration. But then luck appeared on my side and a space was available on the midday ferry. Thank goodness. I'm now home with a very happy Daisy.

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