A life in pictures...

By GuernseyNix


We got home this evening and Harry was the last out of the car. He shouted out that he had just seen a duck and a cat having a fight in the road! He shooed the cat away and and the duck dived into the hedge, quacking furiously. Suddenly, she dived out of the hedge again, followed by a duckling and then another and another, until there were 7 or 8 ducklings and a very noisy mummy duck. We followed them into a neighbour's garden, whereupon I decided I needed to consult another adult. I rang the GSPCA while Harry kept watch with the neighbour, Gavin. Meanwhile, Charlie was photographing an extraordinarily large pile of horse manure that had been 'dumped' right outside my gate. Quite why he was doing this, I'm not sure. I think it probably has something to do with the fact that he's a boy, he's 16 and social media exists! All the while, I'm on the phone to the lady from the GSPCA who is telling me that it's very difficult to know what to do in these situations. And as hard as it may seem, she is not going to come and collect them, as she may cause more harm than good by doing so. I fully understand her point. I am however sure that I also heard Charlie muttering about natural selection, which made me want to rush out and rescue them all myself! Hopefully they're all safe and sound somewhere now.
There are some extras tonight as I couldn't choose.

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