Truly Blippin' Marvelous

By JohnEdward

Nearly Sunset.

       The day began early. On the road soon after 04:30. First photo opportunity not taken presented itself between Nutrioso and Alpine. There were two baby elk with several cow elk browsing in a meadow. Such a lovely scene. Coming out of Alpine there was a slow truck ahead of me. I thought they might have mechanical trouble; but then I saw it waddling along at a good walking pace along the edge of the road. A beaver. the truck stopped and the driver got out to snap a picture or two on his phone. I pulled over but by the time I'd recognized the driver and had a chat the beaver was well on his way to his pond across the meadow but I snapped and cropped anyway (extra1).

       My next surprise was a grey fox crossing the road in front of me. I saw plenty more elk and a wild turkey in the woods.

       I was on my way to Burro Mountain Homestead where Kathy is spending some time with her dad; her sister and brother-in-law are visiting from Colorado too so we had a little family reunion.

       On the way home this evening I stopped adjacent to the Aldo Leopold Wilderness to make a couple of panoramas of the setting sun. They are three photo melds, not the same photo, in colour and greyscale . . . spot the subtle differences.

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