Blind spot

I had a bit of an accident today. Now I tihnk I'm pretty good at parking, so I looked at the space and started reversing then slowly does it then bang. That was odd, I didn't see anything, I look round, that is odd, there is nothing there. How odd. So I dive forward and realise that the blind spot(s) due to two large bits of car had obscured a lamp post placed very close to the road.

Hmm, all because I thought I would try to park on the other side of the road.

Tonight we did something which I have been meaning to do for some considerable time. Yes, we did something different. In the same way that I always like getting something new from the supermarket, I do like trying to get out and do something. It sadly doesn't happen as often as it could.

We went to see the nearest, largest fireworks display. The delight on certain members of the collective that is club107 was dificult to quantify. So someone didn't get the bath he should have had, but everyone had a great time.

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