
By Huw

One of Sarah's neighbours in her corridor in the student halls of residence where I have been staying with her in Rennes is a keen rock climber. For the occasional thrill he abseils out of the 4th floor kitchen window to the ground below. I was fortunate enough to be present for one such occasion.

Today was the first day back for Sarah after her half term and also my last day here. While she attended a seminar from 18:15 - 20:15 (so late!) I made a guinea fowl soup with the stock and left over meat of our roast on Saturday. (I can never resist making a stock, even on holiday!)
I did it in the french style, with a mirepoix and herbes de provence, and it was possibly even more delicious than the original roast (if I say so myself).

It is a early night for us as I have to rise to catch a 7 am train, and I am laden down with purchases, including two litres of rhum blanc agricole and a bottle of sugar cane syrup. This rum, from the French Caribbean colonies of Guadaloupe and Martinique, is delicious and I am looking forward to drinking it and sharing it with my friends.

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