Morning…In The Marina

The Boss gets out of bed and always walks into the living area to check the day and wakes me up.
Especially if something really attracts and he fumbles about with his tripod in the dark and so it was this morning where this caught his eye.
Of course he should have gone outside to the marina and used his iPhone but for some reason he stayed inside and used his big glass.

Then he got dressed.

Todays story comes from The Bossess who was parking in the Queenstown Park and Ride park and was surprised to find the ticket machine wasn’t….

The bus driver said that it had frozen to death which was not surprising as there was a nice shelter to stand out of any rain available but that was not where the machine was…

For the sake of 6 steps a diabolical machine had needlessly died and The Bossess had to find the service desk at the airport instead. It was just past the coffee place. 

Justice sometimes arrives in funny ways……


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