Stevens Shots

By StevenC44


Hello Blippers! Hope your all well!

I love firework/bonfire/Guy Fawkes night. The annual Mayfield firework display was on tonight. We went to visit my sister, and then went to see the display with my niece. It was pretty good, and I got some fantastic shots! It was really hard choosing just one, so I might just be a rebel and put some more up the next couple of days....

My first prelims were today! The Geography Credit (The highest level) was first and was supposed to last 2 hours, but it took me about 1 hour 20 minutes to finish. So, since the General g Geography (The middle level, we always sit 2 levels), I went to the school library with a couple of my friends and hung out there.

Both of the geography ones went quite well, and there was even a question about the expansion of Heathrow! However, I had a computing Intermediate 2 (Another word for highest - we only do one level for computing) which was quite difficult. I think I've passed it , but not by much.

So, tomorrow is 3 English prelims, followed by an art prelim. Argh, the stress!!!!!

Right now, I'm having a catch up with a friend over facebook who Ive not seen in about 3 years. It's interesting to hear how everyone from primary school has changed, especially those I used to be really close with. I went to a different high school than everyone else, and I'm unfortunately not friends with any of them anymore. However, that's what life is all about. I've lost a few friends that used to be very close, but I've gained new ones! Although there is a lot I would give to still have most of them....

Oh well, Have a nice week!

Steven :)

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