Helping some new friends

Been a couple of very busy days for me. These fine people (Paul and Dorothy) run a business that manufactures beautiful woven products made by Miao women in China. They make shopping bags, aprons, pot holders, oven mitts, coin sacks, handbags, etc. All made with a very special fabric from that part of China.

They’ve been attending our church for a few years now on and off, and needed someone to keep their stands in some high end supermarkets tidy and presentable. I was suggested as someone who could help, and I am happy to.

So I’ve been around Hong Kong with Paul and Dotty checking out the various locations of these colourful stands, and learning how to repackage damaged bags, and generally making the stands more attractive. It’s been good and I’ve really enjoyed getting to know these fine people too :).

The rains were really heavy today. T3 today, this typhoon’s been around a while already.

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