My picture for the Mono Monday Challenge, with the theme: scattered.
Huge thanks to laurie54 for hosting this month.
I brought oatmeal for the waterbirds at the pond, and look what a large amount of birds came and ate it.
My extra photo shows a heron who landed at the other side of the little canal.
In the morning I started with the cleaning of the balcony. Did not finish it, but the part I did, looks so much prettier now.
After lunch we cycled to the sea. Our walk along the shore was nice, the sun shone brightly, the surf was impressive.
The water did not invite me to go in it, but Piet Hein did for a short while.
On our walk back we walked much slower because of the wind.

I have given my first silly hearts to pkln, Marlieske, nangee, lisabet and Doyley22.

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