This caught my eye ;-)  The chair dates from the very late 50s/early 60s, I think Mum had it as a nursing chair for my younger brother and sister, but it has memories for me and I like it.

This morning I got round to cleaning the bathroom tiles properly, I still have the very powerful fan to do. The early afternoon saw me helping in the MIND Shop where I found the book in the extra... not too out of date and for 50p worth it for the warm up/stretching information.

Then to the physio's for their free for June foot health check, where I hoped he wasn't just going to tell me I'd got bunions! Actually it was very useful and informative. He felt the pulses in my foot, checked flexibility - both good - and showed me, by manipulating the tendons, how my big toe joints could be brought more in line by having really good arch support. He was totally in agreement with my not having my joints interfered with if they're not painful, which they're not and in my experience people who have their bunions 'done' end up with very limited foot flexibility... not good if you're a climber. 

So yes, I know it's is a marketing ploy, but I'll go to the other place who employs the guy and have a look at the specialist footwear they sell anyway. I'm already quite picky about my shoes, so no difference there. Thankfully my new this year walking boots already have good arch support courtesy of two insoles, but it may be time to phase in more of the more bunion-corrective footwear.... including slippers!

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