
By Livingandloving

Dancing Girls

Friday felt like the longest day ever at work.  It seemed to creep by. It was likely because I was excited for the evening.  I chaperoned Sugar's first and last dance of 7th grade.  It was educational.  She had a really nice time with her friends.  I did my best not to be embarrassing, but gosh darn it...that music was jumpin'!  tee hee.....I couldn't stand still...I danced a little.......It's okay...Sugar didn't mind.  She said that no one was watching me anyway.  

Look at this photo.  It makes me giggle.  Sugar is so darn tan from swimming in the outdoor pool all school year.  She looks like the end of summer to me.  She's my summer girl.  

We got home late.....took care of the animals, and put our tired feet to bed!  

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