Wide Wednesday . . . Colour

Last colour and light for the day.  Grey was the predominant colour for today.  This was taken at 5 pm tonight as we race to the shortest day.  
The grey suited my mood today.  Yesterday we got the news that the foresters oldest friend has Grade 4 glioblastoma.  He will have chemo and radiation but it is terminal and 18 months is the guess.  Sobering news to say the least.  None of us get out of here alive but to have a number put on your mortality is a shock most of us are fortunate not to have.  My friend who worked in hospice for a short time told me about the question they ask patients.  'What gives your life meaning?'  Once you have the answer use it to guide the way you live your days.  Live until you die I suppose.  
On more cheerful matters I was quietly thrilled you liked my little narcissus yesterday.  I had it on the window sill and dialed down the compensation to get the background of greenery outside the window dark.
The extra is for Doyley22 in Perth who had an avocado like these in her Sunday still life. She says they are better than the Haas variety.   I going to eat one tomorrow and find out.  The lemon and one of it's friends became lemon honey today.
Looking forward to seeing what colours we saw today.

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