mere drips

As is usual on the first of the month events conspired against me today: firstly I woke up about an hour before the alarm due to falling asleep fairly early yesterday due to being knackered and achy after Ding some IY. When I switched on the computer during breakfast to get yesterday's blip sorted and find an entry for the work photo club monthly competition I found that I'd run out of drivespace and ran out of time to do either picture-sorting operation before I had to go to work. Despite running a number of things yesterday a number of things had a number of problems this morning with the result that there was lots of faffing with the result that I forgot to look for a picture for the work photo club monthly competition on my phone until it was almost too late which meant that the half-hour I managed to get outside for at lunchtime was inconveniently placed in the only half-hour of zero snowfall throughout the entire day. The afternoon just collapsed into a pile of annoying crap after that though I kept back a nice easy thing to do to wind down with so that I could at least finish with a minor success. More tomorrow though hopefully there will be more snow to enjoy on the way to work and HOPEFULLY some at lunchtime to skip about in.

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