
By stujphoto

Oh where , Oh where has the little fawn gone ....

We have been very fortunate to have fawns reared in the paddock behind our house for a couple of years running. My wife saw one of the fawns last week and this afternoon I was able to get a brief glimpse of the young deer.
From past experience we know that the fawns are visible for only brief periods of the day, usually early in the morning or in the evening so the chance of blipping them is small. However, I did get a sight of both mother and father deer later on this afternoon and thought you could read between the lines. I even went so far as to put a step ladder on our decking to see if I could spot a fawn in the long grass but the paddock behind us is so neglected and the grass so long that there was little chance of this. I thought these shots would have been ideal for the wild wednesday challenge and checked to see how I should have tagged them only to find that this challenge has been discontinued for a few weeks now. A day of missed opportunities !

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