On the edge of the line

By edgeline

fog over bog

I went to loop head with my son and neice today. One of the wonderful things that happened while we were there, was that we had climbed down the cliff and had been taking loads of shots, when we were finished Fiachra and I had turned to start climbing up the cliff again when Iseult gave a great shout, when we turned back, there were twenty five or thirty dolphins just below us swimming and playing around, they were magnificent. We got at least eight or ten minutes of them before they swam off, at one point I would have given anything for a good camera, there was a large wave and you could see the shadow of three of the dolphin riding the wave, myself and Iseult were whooping and jumping about, Fiachra was playing it cool, but afterwards he said it was because he was scared we would jump off the cliff accidently.
It was one of the most beautiful days ever, I took tons of photographs and one or two were nice, yet in the end I decided on one I took first thing this morning at 7 O Clock, there was a mist over the bog just beyond my back garden and I like the mysterious sense I got from the scene.

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