
By jennyg

Black Jugs

Indoor meeting with the U3A Camera Club today. I have set up a table top using light boxes to take white objects on a white background and black objects on a black background, for members to have a go at. Also I had a black velvet cloth as a background which I put these two Jugs on, this had no lighting, just the light in the room. The jugs came from a local charity shop, as did the other objects.

As you can see the jugs were shiny enough to give off lots of reflections, which unless we had been totally in the dark could not avoid. I took this several time with different compositions I liked this the most. I also turned this image into mono.

You can see me on the left I had taken the shot with a timer and had moved away hoping not to be in the reflection, the person on the right is another member taking a shot at the same time.

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