
Today's plan looked easy!

Call in to Xray Dept at local hospital for spinal Xray, pop in to supermarket for fresh fruit and to fill up with petrol, and then back home; about 15 miles in total and should take less than an hour!! So time for a possible visit to a local park to take pictures of the ducks for today's blip!!

Errands done and having left the supermarket I get flashing lights from the car behind!! Suspicious!! I pull into the entrance of small factory where two of their workmen are standing outside. I wind down the window, apologise for blocking their driveway and say what had happened. They confirm my suspicions ... a very flat tyre!!

Nothing dodgy going on here I must add.

These gallant gents offer to change my wheel......."I don't have a spare"....
"I think you might have dear".........Having checked the boot, they then agreed with me!!
"Oh look, there's that inflation stuff".... "This looks interesting"......Take-out said instructions!!!

To cut a long story short. These gents re-inflate my tyre, read out the instructions about speed / distance and getting the tyre checked asap, so that I could make my way home and they could have the fag that they had planned, before I turned up!!

As they set to work I got my camera out of the car, I explained that I was on my way to photograph the ducks. Didn't mention "blipping"....thought that would be just tooooo much information!!

I then took a couple of pictures of the car and one of them and said thanks :0)
So very grateful to them!! I might have a go if I have another flat, but may look at alternatives if possible (see below)

Then home to ring the tyre people to arrange an appointment for tomorrow afternoon after I've finished work and on the way to the pictures.

Now the bad news!! My tyre which has done less than 300miles, has a nail sticking out of it, is scrap. I have to buy a new one at the princely sum of £120+ (know I can get a cheaper make, but they recommend that it is replaced like for like).

Perhaps someone can tell me why we have to have these "blow-up things" instead of a proper spare wheel that can be changed, so that punctures can be mended!!

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