Last visit

Through checking Mum’s house before the keys are handed over tomorrow.

Oh ! the memories.

Going up to bed every night and knocking the barometer on the landing!

My first ( china )spaniel sat on the landing. He was called”Spanky” !!!! Then I got a real spaniel puppy at age 11.

Going upstairs to watch for Dad coming home from work.  We had a great view of the road leading to the village . I could also see our house from my desk at school. Being sent upstairs by Mum for being naughty. It was an old house and the slates rattled. I was feart !!

The strawberry pulling in our garden in the summer and getting all the baskets ready for market. Mum continued this after Dad died while holding down a job at the same time.

All the friends who used to come and visit: Jean , Isabel , Ellen,  Janet . We were all at school  and Girl’s Guildry  together and still keep up.

Every summer my Suffolk cousins would visit. Great fun was had on trips to the seaside...usually Ayr.

Then,  later , all my Youth Fellowship friends would come on a Sunday evening after our meeting and Mum would have tea and pancakes ready!  My friend Cath was a very regular visitor . I know for a fact how much she enjoyed coming just to sit and enjoy the coal fire!

Of course the best fun at the house continued with our three. They loved it and introduced their own wee ones to it. The holidays were spent there and they enjoyed the complete freedom of the place.

I could go on.....

I am happy to hand the house over to Mum’s neighbours. I am sure they will look after it.

The worst part is going to be handing over the big old key to the front door. They don’t make them like that any more! (Extra photos.)

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