
By TBay

The perfect rose.

Well almost! It is a beauty and there quite a few more like this one on the bush. Last year my roses were not as good as I had hoped but this season they are better than expected. I have fed them more this year which seems to have payed off, and Mr Tbay has sprayed more regularly too. I do so love them when they are all in full bloom.

Farming - A quieter day today with just routine jobs for the boys. Reasearch has been done to buy another wrapper as we cannot have an unreliable wrapper. We will have too many bales to do to struggle on with this one!

I visited my hairdresser for a bit of hair attention! Much needed as it was beginning to get out of control! Need it to look passable for Ascot next week!

The Mr Tbays picked up Mr Tbay Jnrs new truck today so after nearly a month he will have a farm vehicle again! He is a very pleased bunny!

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