The Euseigne Rock Pyramid..

The earth pyramids on the outskirts of the small village Euseigne in Valais are one of the most important geological sights in the Alps and are under the protection of the Swiss Confederation as natural monuments.
The 10 to 15 meter high cone of the Earth Pyramids of Euseigne, most of which are protected by a top of towering rocks, were formed in the final stages of the Ice Age, some 80,000-10,000 years ago before the retreat of the Eringer glacier. Glacier tongues carried back huge amounts of debris, which also contained boulders. While the water around the rock took away more and more debris material, the rocks formed caps several meters in diameter and up to 20 tons in weight, which protect the rock formations from erosion.

and it was a beautiful walk to get to them !

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