Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

He's back!

Henry has been pretty poorly all day with horrendous diarrhoea and a temperature but had a 1.5hr sleep this afternoon which perked him up. He was his normal self by the time he arrived back home which was nice to see - gave me and Neil and quick kiss then moved straight onto his toys and started playing with his drums! He noticed this bench and hammer that Neil bought from ikea last night and wanted to play with it so we let him - he's got the idea of hammering the pegs already!

Work was very busy and I only sat down for 20 mins all day. I mentioned Henry was ill again to be told if I need anymore time off to look after him I have to take annual leave. I've only had 1 day to look after him and that was unpaid carers leave! I'm not impressed.

I'm feeling very sad this evening because it marks the end of mine and Henry's breastfeeding relationship. It's been a difficult road and I was hoping to continue at least until winter was over to try to protect him a little from all the bugs, but it's just too painful - I have deep cracks in both nipples which won't heal. We got to 15 months and 23 days. I can't stop crying, I didn't want it to end like this.

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