Doc Martens...

I have wanted a pair of Doc Martens for soooooo long. So my trip away to Portsmouth was the right time. I thought I was too old. But realised I'm old enough not to care. I went into the shop to try on a pair of canvas Docs with rubbery soles but decided that khaki was rather dull and ordinary looking so tried a pair of canvas boots with the proper Airwave soles and was hooked. It must have been the pink flowers...
I still have a few days blips to catch up but yesterday was at a meeting to hear all about the Duke of York Awards. Guernsey is one of 3 UK (or in our case non-UK) U3As taking part in a pilot scheme before it is rolled to to the whole of the UK network at their AGM in August. It was fascinating and I completed the Bronze Level today and sent off for my Certificate to be prepared and despatched from Buckingham Palace. Well I couldn't have our U3A not doing well... I hadn't realised that the Silver Award wasn't being released until this summer and the Gold until next year. So a bit of a wait till I can carry on.. 

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