Mr John

By MrJohn

A garage .....

..... at night.

This evening I've been running with the Ilkley Harriers. After last night's tough circuit training my legs have felt a bit heavy all day so I decided to go out with a steady paced group. Well at least it was suposed to be steady paced. There were 10 of us in the group led by Neil running a six mile road route. Also in the group tonight were Bradley and Ben who have both featured in my circuit training portrait blips and who are both very fast runners, so I should have known the pace wouldn't be too slow.

After about three miles the 3 ladies in the group decided to seperate off and run back to the club as the pace was a bit too quick, meaning the pace increased even more for the second half of the run. My legs have felt dead this evening but I find it hard to run at the back of a group so found myself pushing my legs hard to keep up with the fast lads at the front. All in all it was a good fun and fairly quick run with some nice hill sprints to strech the legs out a bit. Now that I'm home and have had a shower my legs feel a lot better than they did before tonight's run.

The photo I've blipped was taken just after I finished work at about 5:45 pm. I keep on spotting scenes that I think will work well for night photography ( I saw a few new potential blips on the run tonight ) and seem to be drawn to brightly lit interiors. This is the local garage just down the road from my house in a small industrial estate. There is no lighting in the estate apart from the interiors of the units, this garage being one of them. I think there may be a few more blips of various buisinesses at night over the winter.

In other news I have now finally signed up to raise money for mens health issues as part of Movember. My tash is starting to look a bit less bum fluffy now, but I think I will save the big reveal photo until the end of the month ( unless I get desperate for a blip one day during Movember ).
If you'd like to make a donation you can find all the details here

So today's blip is .....

..... A garage at night.

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