This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

It's election day and I don't know what to do with myself.
So I went outside with the colorful leaves. I know, I know...

This is how I feel and I want to remember no matter what:

I watched Obama's last campaign speech last night with tears streaming down my face. I believe in this man. This is not a lesser of two evils vote or voting just because I am a yellow dog democrat and that this is what I am supposed to do. I voted for him because I trust President Barack Obama. I believe he has done a great job with what he has been given with grace, intelligence and eloquence and I want him to have the chance to finish what he started. Don't tell me about statistics and that he has this election sewn up, don't tell me about the electoral college and that your vote doesn't matter. Don't tell me about how our political process is broken, bought and sold. Right now, just tell me you voted for Barack Obama. "Fired up and ready to go!"

(this is of course directed at my American friends)

Here's that speech. x.

Now, I will continue watching and waiting...

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