Surprise for Thomas

After they woke the boys played upstairs till 7.15 before coming down to us. #2 daughter and I had had a late night chatting - and having a few glasses of fizz.. (She’s been on at me for years to write about my life and do a Blurb book which she says would be a whole lot more interesting to her and the children than loads of travel journals - boo. Anyway I said I’d be bored writing it all so she said we could make a project we’d do together which I like the sound of).

The boys went to play in the garden and before we knew it they’d charged up into the woods so Mr C went with them. Then ages after I got a phone call from him. The boys had been running about in the heather and then Mr C discovered James was minus a shoe. They looked but it was impossible to find it. So of course James found it hard to make his way home a mile on rough ground with no shoe. Mr C is not allowed to carry anything heavy yet so #2 daughter had to run off up the hill to help them all back.

When looking through my folder of stuff from our last trip I found this key ring I’d bought for Thomas on the Trans-Siberian Railway. He is so happy to have it (the children collect them and put on their schoolbags) as he loves trains and of course the World Cup is on in Russia so happy find. Unlike the shoe.

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