
Zebedee didn’t want bubbles the snake anymore, he finds he doesn’t have much time for him and doesn’t get him out of his cage much, has also had his bedroom redecorated and the tank takes up a huge amount of space.
I gave Hounslow Urban Farm a call as I know they have reptiles, they said they would be glad to have him!
When the children were small there was a reptile house at Syon Park, We visited many many times and have lots of great memories, when the land the reptile park was on was sold they went over to Hounslow, there explained today that they have actually inherited the urban farm and taken over the running of it, it is really fantastic, they are still fundraising to build the reptile park which will be much bigger than the one they used to have complete with a small rainforest!
Bubbles was put in a very on with two of the corn snakes, it’s nice to think that he will have company now.
Jason the exotic animal team leader said we were welcome to have a look around the farm which we did, so many lovely animals there, we had lunch there as well.

England beat Tunisia 2-1 the World Cup! Hurrah!

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