Karin Kroeze photography

By Karin_HK

Another location - but lab work is going on

Still not in our own brand new campus...
Today (despite it being a slightly logistical nightmare) I took 4 classes to KA Mortsel (a Flemish secondary school). They kindly rented out labspace to us (at a very reasonable rate).
Woke up in the middle of the night and panicked as I really couldn't see how I could manage on my own 5 classes doing 5 or 6 different practicals (our yr 11 is very diversified - either doing just physics, just biology or coordinated science (all 3 sciences) in a space of 2 hrs. So at 1 am I sent out an call for help.
In the morning my hugely supportive colleagues and boss organised another teacher to come with. I don't think I could have done it without help!

Exhausted after that afternoon!

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