My sister

News I had been dreading for a few weeks finally came yesterday, Maggie has been diagnosed with lung cancer and pleurisy . She has been in pain for several weeks and with a very bad chest and has been back and forwards to the doctors . Finally a scan showed she has a mass on her right lung . She has been in hospital since Sunday getting medication sorted so hopefully she can come home today . Unfortunately last night when the consultant came round they had seen a further shadow on her left side and something in the middle of her chest . A biopsy was done on the mass and those results should be back Monday . Trying to be so strong for her but it’s heart wrenching . So my blip today is a fun collage of giggles we have had and of course Snapchat gets a turn which really makes us both laugh together. Blip will carry on as normal hopefully as this world means so much to me and it’s a great place to share life’s ups and downs and get your emotions out that are sometimes hard to flow with your nearest and dearest .

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