Structure…and lord of the rings…

The Boss had a sorta problem this morning as he couldn’t hear me yelling from my posi on his pak and so didn’t wake up in time to go out walking with his Wellington group.
So we went up Mt Victoria instead and two things happened…
This image was the first and he just looked at it and thought “Structure”

Oh...Have  I told you I have got an upgrade and can sorta read his mind now.
I got it at the Apple store where I was admired on his pak and subjected to all that shiny tech stuff and magic invisible waves (wifi) so I now get his “Airplaying” thoughts about images. I have turned off the other options…..

The second thing happened (extra) when we were down from the mountain and he was regretting not having worn boots as it was mighty muddy and his new shiny Apple Watch made all kinds of tinkly sounds and declared him “Lord of the rings” which is when you have done all that stuff that gets the rings closed.. It appears he had.

So dessert was served…..

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