Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

New corridor

This is the new corridor, built at the cost of some phenomenal amount of money (everything costs more than it should in a PFI building!).  It will link our main (original) department with the Urgent Care Centre and the Minor Injuries Unit.  

As a department, we have completely outgrown the facilities constructed for us when the hospital opened in 2001.  Building an entire new department was our preferred option, but totally unaffordable in these times of austerity.  So the only way to extend has been to take over various bits of the hospital around the original department.  Since the conversion of one bit of the hospital into the MIU and UCC, patients arriving at A&E have had to go outside to get from one part to the other.  We've now got an extended front end, and a very spacious corridor, so we (and our clients) can get from one area to the other without either barging through the x-ray department, or venturing out in the rain or snow.

It isn't (as you can tell from the barriers) quite opened up yet - not sure why not, it looks pretty much finished. 

PS.  W says he can tell that the corridor is not yet open because there are no trolleys queueing there.

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