Flower Friday - Plumbago & Wattle

Plumbago & Wattle sounds like a comedy duo ;o).

Flowers were few and far between today but I did spot a tiny little sprig of wattle and a similar bit of plumbago and brought them back to play with. It's my little bit of heaven before work and before the madness of the day begins ;o)

I'm afraid I've got a very full weekend so I may not be commenting much. Out for lunch with J tomorrow then afternoon tea with G and J and then back to J's for dinner ;o). Home to rest and recuperate as J keeps me on my toes!

J is in a concert with his band on Sunday morning ;o) so I will have to leave home around 8am to drive to the city, park the car then catch the train to North Fremantle as parking is apparently horrendous there! I think by Sunday night I will be falling in a heap!! ;o). I'm looking forward to it all though, nothing like a change of pace to spark up your life ;o)

Happy weekend blippers ;o))xxx

Thanks to Annie for hosting Flower Friday ;o)

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