Together we can

Together We Can

and all women
rose victorious today
a multi-colored nation
with hopes and dreams in pieces
and love
to make things whole.

It's status quo in Congress
our hurdles still persist.
Together let's merge forward,
armed unity our might.

with more people
now free
to say
"I do".

and a country
with faces, lives, diverse
rose victorious this morning
to face the surging sea.

Linked hands
like minds, move
we know we'll find
our way.

One many-colored family
excited now again.
Chant, with joy
in chorus,
together that
we can.

Relief, grateful exhaustion and a clock face with numbers red and raw, it was 2:30 AM before I shut my eyes. So many women victorious, so much gained, so much to do.

Boiled lobster, drawn butter, champagne and celebration tonight.

For the Record,
This day came in dark and windy with lashing rain and swirling leaves. In a word, nasty.

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