
By NickyH

Day 311

I'm pleased to report that today was much better than yesterday, thank goodness! Mind you, I wasn't at work so it's no big surprise!

Today has mainly consisted of laziness, lunching, chatting, shopping (a lovely new bag and purse accidentally fell into my arms in Debenhams - what's a girl to do?!), packing and just generally getting excited about weekend. Oh, and trying to fit all the fluids I need (yes, I know we're only going for 3 days, but you'd be surprised how much stuff I need) into a piddling little clear plastic bag to take on the aeroplane.

You'd think I'd of got a blip done at some point, but my intention was to get one at my parents' house at tea time... I completely forgot it would be dark. D'oh! I struggled to be honest, so this was a quick one of some petals on my lilies.

2 more sleeps...!!!!!

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