Left hand, right hand


Space truckin'

Another day for LH at the windfarm.

06:20 (at home)
- Thermals: Check
- Two pairs of wooly socks: Check
- Two T Shirts: Check
- Fleecey jumper: Check
- 'Splash proof' trousers: Check
- Fleece: Check

07:30 (on site)
- Extra warm socks: Check
- Thermal in-soles: Check
- Gaiters: Check
- Waterproof trousers: Check
- Waterproof jacket: Check
- Woolly gloves: Check
- Waterproof gloves: Check
- Snood: Check
- Balaclava: Check
- Thinsulate 'beanie' hat: Check
- Helmet: Check
- Vis vest: Check

09:00 (in a bog)
- Already soaked through

Felt and looked like the michelin man today. Each day I don an extra layer, yet still the cold and rain get in. Why do they build windfarms in such inhospitable, windy..... ah.

This little vehicle kept me amused for around ten minutes picking up bits of felled wood nearby. Reminds me of the sort of 'space-age' vehicle you would build with lego when you were wee. Aint a great photo, but hopefully the incessant, constant, torrentials rain can be seen.

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