Following Mammy Duck

Still fairly windy, dull, mist and rain.  

My weekend off work, and with the horrible morning, I stayed in bed longer.  I finally got going after breakfast, and then headed down to mam's for a bit.  The horrible day gave good opportunity to get on with household chores in the afternoon.  I was meant to work in the pub later, but my boss is no longer going out, so a night off by the fire. 

After a cuppa at mam's, me, mam and Elise headed out for a walk in the drizzle rain.  We noted a lot of damage to plants while out, hopefully it will ease up soon and give the plants time to heal and grow again.  In the meantime, new babies are popping up around the crofts, like these lovely peerie ducklings.  They are so cute, but as I approached, they rushed off, following their mam.  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh. 

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