The Sheiling

This afternoon Sam Macdonald rang the bell at The Sheiling to inaugurate a wonderful new created space high above Loch Etive which celebrates his late wife, Evelyn , who was Irish, reminds Scotland of the story of Deidre of the Sorrows which she loved and which resonates in this landscape in which she (& Deirdre) lived and brings a new and personal focus on the relationship between these two countries.

This environmental art work was designed by David Wilson who expressed the wish that it would look as if it had dropped in to the site in the 12th century. In time, as it weathers, it will achieve that and when the new bell is cast tomorrow on site (the one there today was a prototype ) the whole thing will draw those who wish to stand aside from time, to think of the enduring truths which predated and will post date the awful livid scar of Brexit, to contemplate the importance of love and landscape and the interrelationship of creativity and place or who simply want to sit quietly for a while in such amazing surroundings.

My extra pictures show the statute of Deidre and Naoise which was created for the Glasgow Garden Festival and which Sam has had in his garden since, but which now is translated to this place with, as background, the piper for the day and one of the turbines on the hills behind.

The second shows the guests with Sam and the amazing backdrop of Loch Etive which is redolent with place names that remind us of the original story and the links between our two cultures.

Before we went on site this afternoon we had a wonderful lunch at Brander Lodge at which I was privileged to be asked to speak, alongside Sam and Mark Hanniffy, the Irish Consul General who read a very direct and moving message from the President of Ireland, Michael D Higgins. I will post a link to my contribution when I get the chance.

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