A Writer's Life

By Awriterslife


Today, the kids were... how can I say this gently... intensely over active? Usually, one is calm and the other goes crazy. They alternate. Today, they seemed to be under the effect of some crazy moor or incoming storm. I tried to nap with them, but oli took forever to fall asleep and then as soon as Olivier was sleeping, Henri was done. So I took them to the mall to take care of a few errands, and then we came home, had dinner, and went to bed. It was a very exciting Saturday night.

There was a moment when they were mostly quiet. I was busy in the kitchen, fighting the good fight with the ants and the dishes, and I decided to check on them. They were quietly placing blocks in a kind of trail to my desk, in my study. I may have told them I had some grading to do but I never expected them to take it upon themselves to make it impossible for me to get to it.

Or maybe I’m just delirious from sleep depravation. At this point, it’s hard to tell.

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